Compare the price per dry ounce of grocery and other items, and save

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Price per oz app / Cost per ounce

Consumer counting price per dry ounceYou are faced with the following dilemma: - You want to buy a pretzel, and you have three choices: 2.5oz for $0.99; 6oz for $2.29; or a large 1-pounder for $6.79. Which choice will give you the most pretzel for your money, and how to calculate the price per ounce? Baffled? The best choice is 6oz for $2.29.

While buying online or in-store, use PricePerOz.com on your smartphone and get more ounces for your money!

How to calculate the price per ounce[1]?

It is now easy to calculate the price per ounce! - PricePerOz.com (Price Per Ounce) is a small website app usable on a mobile phone, tablet, notebook or desktop computer. All fields are required: for each item, enter the shop, item's name or brand, weight in pounds and / or ounces (or even g or kg), and price in dollars, Calculate... and here you have it: the price per ounce of the item. Compare up to 10 items simultaneously. Not counting in ounces? - see other units.


. lb . oz
Price $ .
e.g. $ 299
Price per oz Cost per ounce:
"Calculate" to find out
per oz:


. lb . oz
Price $ .
e.g. $ 299
Price per oz Cost per ounce:
"Calculate" to find out

per oz:


Be a clever consumer! To find the cheapest food items, use the price per dry ounce online app


. lb . oz
Price $ .
e.g. $ 299
Price per oz Cost per ounce:
"Calculate" to find out

per oz:



. lb . oz
Price $ .
e.g. $ 299
Price per oz Cost per ounce:
"Calculate" to find out

per oz:


Defeat deceptive advertising: use PricePerOz.com on your smartphone to check the price per ounce in the shop


. lb . oz
Price $ .
e.g. $ 299
Price per oz Cost per ounce:
"Calculate" to find out

per oz:



. lb . oz
Price $ .
e.g. $ 299
Price per oz Cost per ounce:
"Calculate" to find out

per oz:


Defeat deceptive advertising: use PricePerOz.com on your smartphone to check the price per ounce in the shop


. lb . oz
Price $ .
e.g. $ 299
Price per oz Cost per ounce:
"Calculate" to find out

per oz:



. lb . oz
Price $ .
e.g. $ 299
Price per oz Cost per ounce:
"Calculate" to find out

per oz:


Defeat deceptive advertising: use PricePerOz.com on your smartphone to check the price per ounce in the shop


. lb . oz
Price $ .
e.g. $ 299
Price per oz Cost per ounce:
"Calculate" to find out

per oz:



. lb . oz
Price $ .
e.g. $ 299
Price per oz Cost per ounce:
"Calculate" to find out

per oz:

reset all

Defeat deceptive advertising: use PricePerOz.com on your smartphone to check the price per ounce in the shop

How to calculate the price per ounce?

Beware of discount retailers that play games with oversized packaging. Check the true price per ounce at PricePerOz.com

Get more ounces of food for your dollar

Smart consumers use PricePerOz.com on their Android, iPhone or iPad, and save costs by choosing the best value per ounce

About PricePerOz.com

How to count the cost per dry ounce of an item? - PricePerOz.com is a web app for comparing the cost per ounce or price per ounce of products. Coded in HTML and JavaScript, the cost comparison app is extremely user-friendly and easy-to-use. You can access the app using desktops, laptops, netbooks, tablets or mobile devices to get the price per ounce or cost per oz. By entering item, weight and price information in the respective fields, you can determine the price per ounce or cost per oz.

Your privacy is 100% protected. We never collect any information from your device.
Cost per oz calculator

Price per dry ounce calculator: convert ounces, or metric units of weight using PricePerOz.Com

You can enter integers and decimals in pounds and ounces fields. The calculator adds them up automatically. If a value is zero, just skip the field.

Example 1: - If the item's label displays the weight as 3 lb 2 oz, type the shop name and item's brand, enter 3 in the pounds field, leave the 00 (decimal) value unchanged, enter 2 in the ounces field, leave the 00 (decimal) value unchanged, fill out the Price field and Calculate to get the price per ounce.

Example 2: - If the item's label displays the weight as 6.5 oz, enter the retailer and the good's make, leave the pounds fields empty, enter 6 in the ounces integer field, enter 5 in the ounces decimal field, fill out the Price field and Calculate to get the price per ounce.

Example 3: - You are being offered 500g of Danish butter for $4.50. How does that compare, in price per ounce, with 16oz of US butter at $5.79? - You will need to use 2 tiles in this app to find out:

• In one tile, write the store name, then write Danish butter instead of Item1. Select g in the dropdown list of units of measure and fill out the fields. Calculate and the site converts the grams into dry ounces, and shows a price per ounce.

• In the second tile, write the store name, then write US butter instead of Item2. Next to the US arrow, write 16 in the ounces field. Then insert the price, Calculate and see the price per ounce for comparison.

[1] What is an ounce?
On PricePerOz.com, we refer to the most commonly used ounce, the International avoirdupois dry ounce. There are 16 ounces in a pound. The ounce used on this site is a unit of mass (weight).

If you need to compare prices of fluids, liquids, and any other items sold by volume, visit our calculator PricePerFlOz.com for fluid ounces.

If you are using PricePerOz.com to compare the prices of precious metals such as gold and silver, these are measured in troy ounces. Your result will be correct if you use only the ounces input areas (you need to leave the pounds input areas empty when comparing prices of gold and silver).